Key Differentiators

Industry Problems

HCP KOL | Neolytica.AI

Create customized focused medical communication strategy to maximize the impact

HCP KOL | Neolytica.AI

Medical communication strategy is just limited to top KOLs and does not include local influential clinically active HCPs

HCP KOL | Neolytica.AI

Providing actionable insights to MSLs and home office

HCP KOL | Neolytica.AI

Compliantly collaborating with commercial and marketing team for overall brand success

HCP KOL | Neolytica.AI

Understand the real sentiment of KOLs on client specific products, therapies and tracking over time

Industry Challenges


Brand-focused analysis rather than TA-focused


Platform Dominance via Advanced BI Modules

  • Like Segmentation Module serves as a pivot table for big data, Unique Digital Influence Module for DOLs and Sentiment Analysis
Enhance Medical communication

Customized approach Vs Syndication

  • Provides a custom-made projects with KOI Identification is highly relevant to client product needs and KOLs relevant 15-20 Keys Topics
Actionable insights

Non Traditional Market Access stakeholders like P&T, DURB

  • Identify Peaked National/Global Leaders as well as Rising Stars and other KOLs like DURB and P&T Members, Payers etc.
Disease Awareness

Insights: Next Best Action Capabilty

  • Next Best actions around KOLs for all teams made possible through NotifyMe Weekly Alerts and App
Track KPIs

External CRM Seamless Integration

  • Higher experience and expertise of seamless CRM integration for 10+years
Share of Voice

Unique expertise in Rare Disease with Innovative solution

  • Innovative solution like Patient jouney, patient enrollment in clinicl trials, Effecting KOL engagement for successful launch
Track KPIs

Measure impact of Medical Affairs and Commercial Teams

  • Manual analysis of Sentiments by 300+ Medicals Analysis across all major platforms as a KPI to measure ROI for Field Teams, Marketing, & Medical Affairs
Share of Voice

360 Analysis: Map Referral Pattern & Patient Journey

  • Claims data, Patient journey to identify, and Local Clinical Leaders and HCP conections